Background to Earth Day
Earth Day was started on April 22, 1970 and has mobilized over a billion people and engaged more 190 different countries. EarthMedic salutes all those who have laboured in this noble cause. You can read more about it in the link provided.

This year’s Earth Day focuses on protecting endangered species. The focus on reducing biodiversity loss has never been more urgent as Earth is experiencing its 6th great extinction event; this time sadly due to humans. Here is a link to the current campaign if you would like to sign the petition and/ or find out more.
Announcing the Opening of the EarthMedic Website
If you have not been back to the website recently please visit and see the letter from our founder and a video produced in collaboration with groups of doctors around the world. Feel well welcome to leave comments, get in contact with us, provide feedback and share the site with others.

Mission of EarthMedic

We cannot have human health if we do not have a healthy planet.

And the planet has been sending us increasingly strong signals for many decades, if we open our eyes, minds and hearts: climate change, unprecedented heat and fires, zoonotic diseases like COVID, mega hurricanes, floods, ocean acidification, de-speciation:
 “I have realised that the public health problems with which I wrestled with all those years, such as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), emerging infectious disease epidemics and extreme weather events, were grounded in how we organise our societies and interact with our environment and the planet”.

Dr. James ‘Jimmy’ Hospedales, Founder of EarthMedic

Formation of Newsletter 

Stay tuned to hear more about our future events, future work, potential ideas, collaborations and updates on our latest projects.

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