Soft Launch of EarthMedic and EarthNurse

Join us on Friday 5th June, 2020 at 1pm

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With climate change advancing, there is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to take action to avoid extreme catastrophe for people, business and the environment. Health and environment professionals more than any others face the adverse health consequences of climate change – hotter, drier weather overall, with more CAT5 hurricanes and inundations of rain. NCDs like heart disease, diabetes, cancer are also symptoms of planetary ill-health as motorized transport, mechanized agriculture and poor-quality food has spawned a sedentary, overweight population, including in children. But most health and environment professionals do not see the big picture, that CLIMATE CRISIS = HEALTH CRISIS and are sleepwalking into extinction. Further, extreme weather changes are accelerating and interacting to cause increasingly complex disasters as our societies and financial systems are so interconnected; witness COVID which emerged from a forest on one side of the planet because of human encroachment, and is wreaking such havoc because of high levels of ‘pre-existing’ health conditions. EarthNurse and EarthMedic are therefore being launched at this time as new international NGOs dedicated to raising awareness of and resources for urgent at-scale action to improve planetary health, working with an informed and empowered health and environment workforce globally, through public-private-people-planet (PPPP) partnerships.

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